Estimate One is to regular once a week would be adequate to receive information, too many emails get lost in the system and not read. I bare
Estimate One is to regular once a week would be adequate to receive information, too many emails get lost in the system and not read. I barely get time to do my job, therefore, I can't read every email that hits my screen. To improve the whole system would be to get the client (Builders) to send only relevant trade documents and not every document meant for other trades, all these things have a major impact on productively.
In summary, this is the first estimate one email ive open in months. Personly I don’t like getting a portal system to send me tender request and documents as this has removed the human contact out of the tender process, and now this has added your just a number attitude. We find client just use our estimating as a free service so they can win projects without giving something back. This is not a criticism of your product it’s the whole system needs a major shake-up.