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Marking a Subcontractor as awarded without notifying them

How to mark a Subcontractor as "Awarded" if you never issued them an RFQ

If you are new to EstimateOne procurement and want to update your schedule to accurately reflect your letting progress that was complete before you set up the job on EstimateOne you can use the guide below to award packages to Subcontractors without sending them the initial email correspondence. This is an important step as it allows you to:

  • Accurately track all of the work that has happened on this project
  • Ensures your Estimators can still see which Subbies were awarded work even if the quotes were not submitted on EstimateOne

Steps to add Subbies as awarded to your procurement project:

  • From the "Letting Schedule" the package that you need to award the Subbies for
  • To add the Subbie to the package, choose the "Invite One Subcontractor"
  • Search for the Subbie and choose the contact that you would like to be associated with the package and proceed to the invitation customisation
  • This is the important part, you will need to de-select the check box where "Yes, I want to send an email invitation" and then press the "Send Invitation" button
  • At this stage, the Subbie will be added to the package, but will not have been notified of anything. You can confirm this is the case in your correspondence register
  • Now all you need to do is mark the Subbies as awarded and the package will be closed out and your Estimators can see who was awarded this package. 
Take a look at the below video highlighting how this is done. 

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