Notify awarded subcontractors about package changes or revisions
Notify awarded subcontractors about package changes or revisions
For each Procurement (post-award) project, you can choose to notify awarded subcontractors about package changes or revisions.
For example, you want to keep using EstimateOne to update subcontractors after awarding and into the delivery phase of construction.
This is controlled by a project-level setting:
- In a project, navigate to the project-level Settings page (next to Quotes)
- Select Project Settings on the left
- By default, all projects have the option 'No, stop notifying awarded subcontractors' selected (we know some builders prefer to use other methods for managing documents during delivery)
- Select your preference for the project, then select Save.
If you selected 'Yes, notify awarded subcontractors', then whenever you make a change to a package (for example through the Document Matrix or through the Addendum/Revision wizard), you'll have the option to notify packages affected by the change.
Below is an example of the email subcontractors receive after choosing to notify them of a package change or revision.