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Getting Started - Upload Documents & Make Packages

Getting Started - Upload Documents & Make Packages

Before you start uploading, it's always good to make sure you’ve got your tender documents organised on your desktop the way you want them. We’ll maintain any folder structure you have set up (and subfolders) making it easy for you and the person receiving the docs to navigate.

If you’re using chrome (which you really should be)

you can simply drag and drop folders into EstimateOne.

If you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox

You’ll need to click [Browse for Files] instead. In order to upload multiple folders at once and maintain folder structure, you’ll need to zip it up.


Once you have finished uploading documents, click "Next Step: Document Matrix". Watch the video below for a quick introduction to the package creation process using the EstimateOne 'Document Matrix'.

Instructions, along with shortcuts to making your packages in the 'Document Matrix' are also listed here.

When you have finished assigning documents to packages, click "Finalise Packages". These packages are now available to the EstimateOne subcontractors to download, in order to quote for you. You will be notified of all subcontractors that download a package in your account on the 'Invites & Responses' page.

If you are wanting to invite subcontractors to your tender from your 'Address Book'take a look at this video:

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