Add another field under 'Update Your Closed Projects'
Currently under 'Update your closed Projects' there are 4 options.
Pending. Awarded. Lost. Withdrawn.
Is it possible to add another called 'Project did not proceed'.
Currently we have a project that we were preferred builder but the finance fell through on the client side. So none of the current options really apply to this scenario and will be misleading to our subcontractors.
This is not a one off situation either - we've had several projects not proceed due to financial reasons even through we were the successful builder.
Great suggestion! We understand the value of tracking project status and we acknowledge that more can be done to do this effectively.
For the time being we would recommend using our “New Correspondence” feature in the Invites & Responses page. This would allow you to quickly issue correspondence to your subbies, updating the status of the project. We will look into adding some additional options.