I'm a Head Contractor
Welcome to the Head Contractor Feedback Forum. We encourage all Builders to post suggestions and ideas for improving EstimateOne. Posting new ideas and voting on existing ideas will help us understand what improvements our Users want to see made to the EstimateOne platform.
161 results found
Notify when subcontractors have downloaded tender docs from another builder for the same project you are tendering.
If subcontractors download documents for a project you are tendering from another builder they will often not respond to your invitation. This means we will have no idea if they are intending to quote, without contacting them directly. A new function that lets you know if a subbie has downloaded docs from another builder for same project would be really beneficial to know who is and isn't quoting.
27 votesThanks for the suggestion. We appreciate you taking the time to provide this feedback to us.
Add the the option to select project values in between $100M - $1B at $100M intervals (ie $200m-$300m, $300m-$400m etc.)
We have recently tendered a project with a value near to $800M, conversely we are currently pricing a Hotel forecasted under $100M.
Whilst the difference between say $200M and $400M is negligible to most subcontractors, the difference between a $200M and $800M job is significant.
In our experience a lot of subcontractors are unable to price large projects due to the scale and financial impacts. The issue we have found is that in EstimateOne there is no way to quickly distinguish a ‘Big’ job from a ‘Huge’ job.
Adding these intervals essentially serves the same purpose as providing the intervals…
2 votesThank you for your feedback. We understand the significance of categorising your tender within a accurate budget range. We will look at adjusting our budget brackets to cater for tendered projects.
Display the Packages on the Matrix at a 45 degree angle to make them more legible.
This will make the headings easier to read.
3 votesThanks for your suggestion, definitely something for us to consider. As we continue to improve the documentation management, we will keep this in mind.
Allow Builders to issue an individual addendum to a Subcontractor who has not downloaded documents for a tender
This will ensure Subcontractors don't miss any documents that are added as part of an Addendum if they do not download documents from us for a particular tender.
7 votesCheers for the suggestion. It’s great to receive ideas like this from our customers. We appreciate you submitting your thoughts.
Allow me to import a spreadsheet of contacts directly into EstimateOne in bulk rather than having to add individual entries for each contact
I recently had to add 50 contacts to my Address Book. Getting EstimateOne to do this take a lot of time, additionally individually adding each company (and the associated contacts) would have taken a number of hours. It would be good if there was a way that I could add these contacts in bulk independently of the EstimateOne integration team.
Ideally there would be a way I could upload a spreadsheet of contacts and have these contact / companies integrated into my account.
10 votesThanks for your suggestion, it’s great insight for us. We’ll be working on ways to improve Address Book management over the coming months.
Alert me of a potential duplicate when adding companies and contacts to my Address Book
Could you please prompt me when I am adding a company or a contact to my address book if they are the same or similar to an existing entry?
33 votesThanks, this is an item that we will be working on in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for this improvement.
Sort documents in the documents table based on the total value of the drawing number
Currently when I upload documents for a project and sort by name the following order appears:
S20 - TYPICAL CONNECTION DETAILS - SHEET 2 (-).pdfIt would be good if S2 was place between S1 and S3.
9 votesThanks for the feedback. There are two ways of managing this.
You can click on “Filename” above the documents and sort this which will order documents in alphanumerical order. Alternatively you can prefix numbers under 10 with a 0. -
Enable Builders to create lists based on Subcontractors who QUOTED on a previous tender
It would be good if rather than creating a list based on all invitation sent on a previous tender, we could create a list based on Subbies who "Quoted" on that tender. This would allow us to continually invite contacts who support us during tenders rather than everyone we invited.
7 votesWe’re currently working on surfacing subbie insights like this to gelp you at the invitation step. Thanks for the feedback!
I want to search my Address Book by a phone number
If I miss a call from a number not saved in my phone it would be good if I could search for that number in EstimateOne to find out who they are before I call them back.
10 votesCheers for the suggestion. We always welcome and appreciate feedback from customers on what we could improve.
Allow Builders to view all trades at the same time when building a list in the list management section of the Address Book.
I would like to be able to view all companies in the Adelaide / SA list for example all at the same time (rather than by trade only).
2 votesAppreciate the feedback and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We agree that more can be done when it comes to help making lists, and we will definitely take this suggestion on board as we improve Address Book management.
Add a way for Builders to send invitations to "new" Subbies
When undertaking a send out it would be good if I could tell which Subbies were added to my Address Book in the last 30 days. That way I can target the Subbies I know have recently expressed interest in tendering our work.
7 votesThanks for the feedback. We are working on ways to improve how we display information in your account. We will take this on board as we move through the process.
Multiple 'closing' dates different for various trades
When a project is live, we would like the ability to progressively call on tenders with various different closing dates. Currently there is only one closing date available. Option to select different closing dates for different trades would be great.
15 votesWe will be considering this idea later in the year. For the time being you can issue packages in stages and update the closing date before each stage.
Allow Builders to add and edit their own disciplines
We would like update our own disciplines to reflect the way we break up pricing for our clients.
Our disciplines will change over time so we will want to update the discipline headings going forward.
6 votesWe’ll be working on making this feature available in the upcoming months. Stay tuned!
Allow me to add a reason I have declined a Document Request
Any chance that when we decline a request for access to documentation we can give one of the following reasons?
- Product/services not required on project
- Client selected shortlist
- Alternatives not allowed to this project
Typically I get Subbies asking why we have not allowed them access, creating a discussion two or three emails long. This could be prevented up front if we could explain why the document request was actually declined.
20 votesHi Peter, Thanks for adding this idea. We understand that improving the language in the rejection emails could strengthen your relationships with Subcontractors.
Subcontractor Quote Percentage
It would be good if Builders could get an understanding of our Subbie's response and quotation rates when inviting Subbies to tender.
A list of past tenders is available in the address book, but it would be good if this information was visible as a simple statistic that we can show and hide as a column in the Invite Multiple contacts table.
The information that would be good to see would be the
- Quotation response rate for each Subbie
- Percentage of tenders each Subbie has not quoted
- Percentage of tenders each Subbie has not responded to at…12 votesWe are currently designing a way to surface insights on your subcontractors to help you invite the right people to the right jobs.
Make Subcontract Lists available to the Builder
It would be good as a builder to be able to access the subcontractor database (contact details) to assist in issuing tender packages for job that have been awarded to the builder.
This would allow a wider range of unknown subcontractors to be able to be contacted by the builder to tender won work and establish new relationships
11 votesThanks for putting your support behind this idea. We are currently investigating how we can better connect Builders with Subcontractors at tender time. Once we have a better idea of how we might deliver this functionality we will be in touch to discuss it with you. Cheers, Gilad.
Subcontractor Audit Report - E1 Responses Export
Subcontractor Audit Report (subbies list) - OPEN TENDERS
When exporting the Subbies list, currently those whom were sent a tender request AND those on the PENDING REQUESTED LIST appear on this report.
The PENDING REQUEST LIST have not been APPROVED and should not appear on this report ....... and they are not wanted on this report.
This report is for those whom were sent a tender request by us (the builder)
ALSO consequently some subbies who are issued a tender request are NOT appearing on this subbies report.
They have been issued a package not supported by our trades list.…1 voteHi Jan, thanks for your feedback. We’re looking into ways we can improve the ways reports are generated through EstimateOne. We will take this feedback into consideration.
Display the head estimator's mobile number in the tender invitation letter
On every "Invitation to Tender" email sent out to subcontractors, the name of the builder's company, name of the head estimator & head estimator's email details are displayed.
The mobile number of the head estimator should also be displayed here to encourage subcontractors to call the estimating team directly should they encounter any problems during the tender stage.
1 voteHi Jess,
We currently surface the company office number to maintain confidentiality of private information. We do understand that every company has unique requirements, so we may consider adding an option to include a mobile number to tender invitation.
For the time being, we recommend utilising the project description section to share alternate contact number/s. Happy tendering! -
Display a contacts position to all subcontractor list screens - lists, add single, add multiple, monitor responses
It would be nice to have the option to turn on a column for the contacts position everywhere subcontractor names are listed.
* Lists
* Invite Single
* Invite Multiple (which I believe is now available)
* Monitor ResponsesPretty much anywhere a contact name is listed.
1 voteHi Christine,
Thanks for your suggestion, we are currently looking into surfacing more subcontractor information throughout the EstimateOne application. We will consider your suggestion in our development of the app, thanks for getting in touch. -
allow Builders to include "terms and conditions" of tender that Subcontractors must agree before they can access documents
For sensitive projects such as defence or government works we often require Subcontractors to agree to some conditions of the tender. This is usually a document the Subcontractor signs and returns to us. It would be good if we could enter the conditions of tender straight into EstimateOne and have Subcontractors agree to these conditions (by ticking a box) before they can access documentation
4 votesThank you for this suggestion! It definitely makes sense, it’s something we will look into.
If it helps, the best way to do this at the moment would be inviting your subbies to a seperate tender and issuing them the required contract. When they sign and return, you can create a new tender issuing the documentation to the compliant subcontractors.
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